
What is the secret of perfect skin of Korean women and why they have no wrinkles

What is the secret of Korean beauties in skin care. Source: Pinterest

Korean women are known for their flawless skin. It's no secret that South Korean women pay special attention to their appearance. Proper "Korean" care is instilled in girls from their teenage years.

There are some secrets that can help you achieve perfect, wrinkle-free skin in the future. Korean care is a special and reverent approach to yourself. OBOZ.UA has collected 5 steps that Korean beauties follow.

The right toner for your skin type

A toner is a more liquid solution than a serum, which should be applied at the beginning of the skin care procedure, in the evening or in the morning. Its purpose is to restore the pH of the skin after cleansing. The toner should be applied with a cotton pad or fingertips and gently rubbed into the skin until it is completely absorbed.

It is worth choosing the right tonic for the skin

In South Korea, toner is part of the beauty routine of both men and women. It is an important step to help you achieve healthy skin. Choose your toner according to your specific needs, whether you have dryness, large pores, shine, redness, or something else.

Don't forget about sun protection

Applying sunscreen is a vital step in all beauty routines. These are no longer the thick white textures from your childhood: today, SPF is available in many formats, including cream or even stick.

Don't forget about SPF

Sun protection has been popular in Korea for decades. Initially, it was part of the beauty code of Koreans who preferred very fair skin, but later on, sun protection became part of the lifestyle. It is this step that allows you to avoid wrinkles in the future.

Cosmetic masks

Masks are by far the most famous of the Korean beauty routines. They are rich in active ingredients and act as a real stimulant for your skin. In South Korea, there are many types of masks available for every skin type and need, or even according to the time of day. Cosmetic masks should be used two to three times a week or, if necessary, as a seven-day care.

Korean women prefer face masks

Sesame oil for hair

Koreans are known for their healthy, shiny hair and have been using sesame oil for centuries. It is both an important ingredient in most Korean dishes and a beauty routine tip from their ancestors. Koreans apply a small amount of sesame oil to the ends of their hair or a full-length mask every day before washing.

Beauty use sesame oil for hair

Hanbang care

In general, the secret to Korean beauty is the use of hanbang skin care, a term that defines traditional holistic medicine in South Korea. The main goal is to harmonize and restore the body's balance.

Korean beauties have their own philosophy of care

These treatments very often consist of ginseng or green tea and aim to restore the skin's yin and yang balance to improve its appearance and stimulate Qi circulation. In Korean medicine, inspired by Chinese medicine, Qi is the energy that passes through the entire body.

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