
This is how they did it in the USSR: why experienced housewives stick needles in soap

Why needles were stuck in soap in the USSR. Source: freepik.com

Every housewife has her own housekeeping secrets. Some of them are passed down from generation to generation, while others are discovered in the course of work.

Although most of the tips and rules that came to us from the USSR are not only meaningless but also harmful, some of them are worthy of attention. For example, the Glavred publication told us why our Soviet ancestors used to stick needles in soap and why it was useful.

When modern people hear that it was common in the USSR to stick needles in soap, they often think that it was due to shortages.

For example, people were very afraid of losing their needles, so they kept them in plain sight. Or perhaps in the USSR, you couldn't find organizers and special containers for storing sewing supplies, so you had to come up with various life hacks.

However, in reality, everything is much simpler and sticking needles into soap has a logical and practical explanation. In addition, even today, many needlewomen use this method.

This is how they did it in the USSR: why experienced housewives stick needles in soap

Why do housewives stick needles in soap?

When sewing by hand, a metal needle can sometimes catch on fabric fibers or get stuck between them. This makes the work process much more complicated and there is a risk of damaging delicate items.

But Soviet housewives found a way out. They simply lubricated the end of their needles with soap, which made them smoother and reduced friction.

People used to sew with their own hands much more often than they do now, so this life hack has become a real lifesaver for many housewives.

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