
A puzzle for people with unique vision: find the bird in the picture

A puzzle for people with unique vision. Source: jagranjosh.com

Puzzles are considered child's play, but in fact they are incredibly useful for adults as well. And some of them can be challenging even for the most experienced thinkers.

Online puzzles not only train and test our minds, but also make us look at familiar things in a new way. Try to solve one of the most challenging puzzles from Jagran Josh to improve your perception.

Look at the image and try to find the bird in it in 9 seconds.

A puzzle for people with unique vision: find the bird in the picture

Hidden object puzzles force the brain to work in new ways, look for non-standard solutions, and use different cognitive skills. They can improve memory, concentration, creativity, and flexibility and logical thinking.

In addition, solving puzzles can help reduce stress and anxiety. When you relax, take your mind off everyday problems, and successfully complete small tasks, your brain releases dopamine and makes you feel better.


  • The bird does not fly among butterflies, kites, airplanes, etc. It is perched on one of the clouds to rest.

When you finally find the bird, you will feel a surge of joy and satisfaction that you have solved this challenging puzzle.

If you have already coped with the task, we suggest you look at the correct answer.

A puzzle for people with unique vision: find the bird in the picture

If for some reason you couldn't find the bird in just 9 seconds, don't be discouraged and keep practicing. There are many different types of puzzles, so you can find something that suits you, regardless of your age or skill level.

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