
The star psychologist named 5 signs that your partner does not love you

Anastasia KakunLady
Star psychologist named 5 signs that your partner does not love you. Source: freepik

Ukrainian psychologist Olena Shershniova named the main signs of a partner's behavior that will help you understand that he or she does not love you. The expert emphasized that if a person is not interested in a relationship, they are unlikely to have strong romantic feelings.

According to the cognitive behavioral therapy specialist, it will be difficult for a couple that lacks respect to build a healthy relationship. In an interview with OBOZ.UA, the psychologist named 5 main "red flags" indicating a lack of feelings.

Partner writes only in his free time

Olena Shershniova explained that relationships should always be balanced. If one person constantly demands attention, and the other cannot respond due to a number of important circumstances, this does not indicate a lack of feelings. In this case, the problem is a lack of respect for personal boundaries. However, too little communication can still be a red flag.

"If a working partner communicates only at free and convenient times, and at other times when asked for help or some really important situation, he or she "dismisses," the expert said.

You annoy your "other half"

According to the expert, it's normal to be annoyed by certain character traits or behavioral patterns of your partner. This is due to the stabilization of hormones that are at an elevated level during the first period of falling in love. Due to the increase in the chemical dopamine, we begin to idealize our partner. However, it is worth paying attention to how many of your unique traits irritate your partner.

"If a person seeks to change literally everything about you: your appearance, your behavior, your temperament, then this indicates a total rejection of you as a person. Then the question arises: "Why are you with me at all if you want to mold me into someone else?" Olena Shershnieva said.

Partner is not interested in your life and does not talk about his/her own

It is important to remember that each person is unique and has their own way of demonstrating their feelings. However, the expert noted that if a partner is "mute" in five languages, including words, touches, time spent together, help, and gifts, then it's not worth talking about strong love.

She added that an interesting feature of the human psyche is the desire to share happy moments with a loved one. Therefore, if your partner tells you about their achievements to anyone but you, it raises questions.

There is a lack of tactility in the relationship

No matter how you feel about touch from other people, you will want more interaction in your relationship. Olena Shershniova explained that this is because the first manifestation of love from birth is tactility from your mother. Because of this, the need for hugs, kisses, and touch remains throughout life.

"If a person doesn't show tactility at all or shows it, but always puts only sexual overtones, it raises questions: Are there really sincere feelings?" the expert noted.

Your partner is cheating on you

"Cheating is always a huge marker of problems in a relationship. It's hard to say whether this person doesn't love you anymore, whether they have resentments, or whether the partners have drifted apart. There can be many reasons," the psychologist emphasized, "The relationship doesn't need to already end if a person has committed infidelity and regrets it. If the betrayal took place and the person "dived" into it, and regrets nothing, then it is probably over."

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