
The six most deceitful zodiac signs: how to catch them red-handed

Tatiana NechetLady
Six zodiac signs that lie more often than others. Source: Unsplash

Lying seems to be a part of everyday life because all people lie from time to time. However, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Libra, Capricorn, and Pisces, seem to lie much more often.

In some cases, you have to lie to avoid trouble. And sometimes they tell lies out of selfish and mean motives. Among the representatives of the zodiac signs, six can lie even for minor reasons. This is who they are, according to the Her way website.


They say things and immediately forget what they promised, and also change their minds quite quickly. Geminis love to lie, but for the most part, this lie does not harm anyone. When they are accused of something, they will defend themselves by all means possible because they don't want to be guilty.


This zodiac sign loves to lie to feel good about themselves. They love to lie about their sexual skills, achievements, and money. Cancers want to seem much cooler and more successful than they really are. They are not evil and do not harm others. But the worst part is that Cancers think that such lies are normal. And it's best not to try to show them that they're wrong.


They think they are so special and unique that the rest of the world revolves around them. But this is far from the truth as they like to lie to get what they want. However, people often see that Leos are lying and therefore break off relationships.


These are real professional liars. They lie to avoid hurting others. What they don't realize is that they can hurt innocent people in the process. They even lie to their children, even though they think it's harmless. And if you tell a Libra a secret and ask them to keep it, they will blab about it to the first person they meet.


This zodiac sign is capable of lying to avoid doing something they don't like to do. If Capricorns don't want to meet a person, they'll say they're sick. They lie in all such cases. They are not evil or mean people, but they always put themselves first. And this is somewhat normal.


They live in their own world, and what others consider a lie doesn't seem like a deception to them. Pisces can look you straight in the eye and lie, and when they get caught, they will immediately tell you that you have misunderstood everything. They are usually very honest, so if Pisces lied to you, it means they don't see you as a potential partner.

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