
Everything else is a lie. A psychotherapist named the number of friends a person can have and gave the seagull brain as an example

There can be no more than three true friends. Source: freepik.com

Oleh Chaban, a well-known Ukrainian scientist and psychiatrist, is convinced that a person cannot contact more than 150 people. According to him, the smaller the brain, the more connections. As an example, he cited seagulls, which are highly socialized.

The doctor spoke about this on the Yellow Sneakers YouTube channel with Yulia Borisko. He added that success does not depend on the number of friends.

"When people say that I have a lot of friends and that's success. I don't believe in it. There is a great work called Dunbar's Magic Number. The author, Robin Dunbar, derived the number of trusted connections. He drew parallels with the volume of the brain from birds to humans. The smaller the brain, the more connections. Here we can think of seagulls, which are highly socialized," said Chaban. However, this does not make seagulls any smarter or more successful.

A psychiatrist said that a person can have a maximum of 150 contacts.

"Everything behind the number 150 is a lie. I have 5,000 friends on Facebook and the whole world loves me - it's crazy," the doctor said.

And you can have no more than three true friends. It doesn't matter if you live in a remote village in Zakarpattia or if you are a famous person. You just have different needs. Here, Oleh Chaban gives a simple example.

"There are three people who abuse alcohol and they are friends around one bottle. There are different levels of friendship," the psychiatrist emphasized.

He also said that the brain of a successful person is less active than the brain of a person with a low IQ.

You can also recall 5 interesting facts about how friendships change as we grow up. When we were young, we might have had a wide circle of friends. However, as the number of responsibilities grows, we begin to realize the true value of friendship.

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