Three red flags that prove you and your friend should never go on a vacation together

Anastasia KakunLady
Three red flags that prove you and a friend should never go on a vacation together

Vacationing with friends can be a great way to spend a vacation filled with positive emotions and impressions. However, it's worth remembering that no matter how close you are to a person, your views on the same things may differ during the trip.

Experts advise discussing the details of the trip with your friends in advance to avoid spoiling the relationship. According to CNBC, there are three main "red flags" that prove that you and a friend should never go on a vacation together.

Different budgets and priorities

Surprisingly enough, one of the most common causes of vacation fights is money. Travel journalist Elaine Glusak recommends discussing the budget you want to spend on vacation in advance.

"Talk about how you'd like to divide the budget between items like restaurants and entertainment. If you both want to see a show on Broadway, for example, and one wants a premium seat and the other is fine sitting in the back row, is it okay for the two of you to sit separately?" she explained.

It is also worth understanding whether you have the same attitude to food and living conditions while traveling. If one of you prefers fancy restaurants and the other prefers street food, you're unlikely to have a good time because you'll be separated from each other all the time. It will also be difficult to find a compromise when choosing a hotel if friends see comfortable conditions differently.

Three red flags that prove you and your friend should never go on a vacation together

You have different attitudes towards time alone

The expert advises to talk to your friend in advance about the time you will spend together and separately. It's quite common for one friend to feel absolutely comfortable visiting museums or historical sites alone, while the other prefers to walk together.

"If I'm traveling with someone, it's someone for whom it's normal to have a separate route. That's always the first thing I look for or ask directly: is it normal for you to do your own thing, or does your attitude look like: We're traveling together, so we have to do everything together," said Elaine Glusak.

Three red flags that prove you and your friend should never go on a vacation together

You are interested in different things

If you decide to visit a new city or country with a friend who has no interest in what you're passionate about, your vacation can turn into a bickering match and a desire to convince each other that you're right. Before planning a trip together with a friend, honestly discuss the purpose of the vacation. If one of you prioritizes visiting various museums, institutions, and historical sites, while the other prioritizes sunbathing on the beach, the trip is unlikely to be successful.

Three red flags that prove you and your friend should never go on a vacation together

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