
Financial harmony: how to manage money so that you always have it

Irina ShenierLady
Financial harmony: how to manage money so that you always have it

Money is not just paper bills or numbers in a bank account. It reflects our attitude to life, plans, opportunities, and perceptions of the future. The ability to manage money properly plays a key role in our own well-being.

My name is Irina Chenier , I am a psychologist, and in this article we will discuss how a stable and prosperous future starts with the ability to understand and manage your finances. Today, when money is becoming an essential part of our lives, it is important to learn how to save and grow it so that we can enjoy life even when the "rainy day" comes.

Observing our financial situation reveals an important fact: an adult position in finance is the key to a harmonious life. Based on this, the basic principles of financial literacy can be taken as a basis and create your own personal financial allocation plan.

The culture of financial literacy: From birth to adulthood

The real formation of the ability to manage money begins in childhood. The way we are taught to perceive and handle finances affects our future. It is important for adults to teach the younger generation financial literacy, to set an example of proper allocation and spending.

From a "rainy day" to saving: saving and saving

The adolescent attitude towards money is characterized by living one day at a time, when every purchase and expenditure is an immediate reaction. However, it is important to move on to the ability to understand that money needs to be saved as well. Creating a financial cushion is a practical tool for peace of mind and confidence in the future.

Adult position: ten percent for development

The ideal is an adult attitude, where our allocation plan helps to ensure a balance between spending, saving, and enjoyment. By leaving 55% for daily needs, we ensure stability in everyday life. 10% for a financial cushion provides peace of mind and inspiration for new ideas. Development and self-improvement are covered by 10% for education. Leaving room for joy, we add brightness to our lives by spending 10% on pleasure. Our ability to share (5-10% to charity) and have a positive impact on others attracts even more money energy to us. And 10% for large purchases makes our ambitions more attainable, preventing a strong impact on the budget.

Moving from lack to availability: how to overcome the lack of money

What to do when you have nothing to save? In this case, it is important to identify the roots of the problem. Is it possible that the lack of financial stability is related to psychological barriers?

By the way, psychological barriers play a significant role in a person's ability to effectively manage their finances:

  1. One of the psychological barriers is a lack of financial literacy and education.
  2. Another psychological barrier is emotional decision-making.
  3. Cognitive biases can also have a significant impact on financial decisions.
  4. Habits also play an important role in financial management. People who have negative financial habits, such as spending money without planning, maxing out credit cards, or not saving, may have difficulty achieving financial stability.

Here's a life hack to learn how to save quickly: The secret to saving money is systematic. Set up an automatic transfer of a certain amount to a separate account as soon as you receive income. This will help you learn to live on a smaller budget and automatically save for future goals. Over time, this process will become a habit, and your savings will grow in invisible but steady steps.

After all, good money management is more than just a matter of budgeting. It is the true art of balancing the present and the future, pleasure and savings. And gaining financial literacy is an investment in your future.

By creating an allocation plan, you begin a journey to stability and growth that will change your view of money and life in general today. By putting my advice into practice, you will notice how your income will grow every month, and harmony and control over your finances will make you feel confident.

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