
Fashion etiquette: how to create the perfect look for going to the theater

Anna RomankoLady

As the new theater season begins, the theater becomes not only a place of cultural enrichment, but also a place to show off your style. Despite the current trend towards a more democratic dress code, many of us still see going to the theater as an opportunity to dress elegantly and sophisticatedly. My name is Anna Romanko, I am a stylist, image-maker and style expert, and in this article I have collected for you the best tips that will help you create the perfect look for going to the theater.

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Theater dress code has its own history, and by preserving the traditions, we give shana to both the art and culture in general.

The history of the theatrical dress code dates back to the aristocratic times, when going to the theater was not only a cultural event, but also a way to demonstrate their status and taste. In the XVIII-XIX centuries, visiting the theater required strict adherence to etiquette: women wore pink evening cloths with corsets and embellishments, while men wore tails or suits with kravatki. The theater was a place where vishukanstvo and vitonchenstvo were obligatory attributes.

Over time, the dress code became less formal, but remained an important element of culture. In the XX century with the development of modification theater style began to include more experimental variants, but still retained elegance and a sense of urochistosti. Even in our time, when fashion is becoming more democratic, the theater remains the place where classics and rozkish are always up to date.

As a stylist, I often hear questions about what to wear to the theater to look good without sacrificing comfort. Here are the top looks that will definitely help you to look at your best during the next visit to the theater.

Evening cloth is a classic choice.

If you want to bet on elegance, evening cloth will be the best option. Today popular cloths are midzhinoyu or maxi, which emphasize the femininity and urochistirovosti podii. An important role is played by fabrics - satin, oxamite or shovk give the image of roskishnosti. Black cloth with minimalistic accessories, such as a small brooch or earrings, will be a graceless variant. If you give preference to colors, choose a deep blue or bordeaux, for example, dark blue or bordeaux.

Pantsuit - a stylish alternative

For those who are looking for something less traditional, but not less elegant, pantsuit is an ideal choice. Modern models with an accent on the waist, high pants, structured jackets create a vishukanyi striimanyi image. Experimenting with colors, such as smaragdovy or wine, will help to emphasize your individuality, while preserving elegance.

Cocktail style - the golden mean

If you are looking for a balance between elegance and ease, cocktail cloth will be your choice. Sukni up to the knees with light accents in the form of merizhiva or napivprosorihhih details give the image of tenderness and charm. It is important not to overvantage the image with over-the-top accessories, dostrichimayuschih vitonchennoi simplicity.

Accessories and accessories - details that make all the difference

It is important to remember that accessories play a key role in completing your theatrical image. A laconic clutch or a small handbag on the lancuzhka will add vitonchenosti. As for the clothing, classic loafers or elegant sandals on pidbori will be an ideal choice. Don't forget about minimalistic jewelry - earrings or a bracelet can reinforce your style, not vidvolikayushchih respect in the general bow.

Outerwear - style and practicality

In the cold season of the year it is important to take care of your outerwear. A classic coat, a cape or an elegant trench will complement your look. To make your look even more impressive, add a stylish scarf or mittens.

Naostanok dodam, that the visit to the theater - not just an opportunity to enjoy the art, but also a chance to reinforce your style and flavor, creating an image, which is in accordance with the atmosphere and cleanliness of the approach. Regardless of whether you choose a classic evening cloth, elegant pantsuit or cocktail variant, it is important to remember about harmony and comfort. Your appearance must reflect your individuality and at the same time take into account the context of the event.

Don't forget that accessories, clothing and even outerwear can become key elements of your image. Every detail is important: from laconical clutch to sophisticated jewelry, they help to complete the bow and make it whole. Going to the theater is an opportunity to feel yourself a part of the cultural elite, where elegance and sense of style support your confidence and help to leave a pleasant impression of yourself and the whole event.

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