
A pinstriped suit and butterfly earrings. Zelenska has lunch with lyceum students in Kyiv region

Karina VishnyakovaLady
The first lady of Ukraine went out in a striped pantsuit. Source: Telegram @FirstLadyOfUkraine

First Lady of Ukraine Olena Zelenska held an offsite meeting in the Bucha district to discuss school catering reform. In particular, she visited the Gotuymo factory-kitchen, which provides hot lunches to 4,000 students in the surrounding communities.

For the visit, Zelenska chose a dark gray pantsuit with a thin, barely visible light stripe. She wore a classic white shirt under the blazer. Photos of the president's wife having lunch next to the lyceum students were published on the official Telegram channel.

A pinstriped suit and butterfly earrings. Zelenska has lunch with lyceum students in Kyiv region

The look was complemented by nude makeup with an emphasis on the eyes and silver butterfly earrings. The First Lady wore her signature hairstyle - side parting and straight hair.

A pinstriped suit and butterfly earrings. Zelenska has lunch with lyceum students in Kyiv region

When it comes to Olena Zelenska's manicure, she hasn't changed her favorite design in years. Bright colors with rhinestones and sequins are not about her. Instead, the first lady's style is "bare nails".

A pinstriped suit and butterfly earrings. Zelenska has lunch with lyceum students in Kyiv region

Earlier, OBOZ.UA talked about how Olena Zelenska looked like at her husband's inauguration in 2019: an incredibly beautiful outfit was sewn for 184 hours.

Only verified information is available on the OBOZ.UA Telegram channel and Viber. Do not fall for fakes!

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