How to pickle lard so that it can be stored for a month

Kateryna YagovychLS Food
Recipe for pickled lard. Source:

Lard can be used to make a very delicious and savory appetizer. The main thing is to pickle it properly. To do this, you need to select rich ingredients and make a marinade with them. This product can be stored for a long time.

Famous Ukrainian chef Alik Mkrtchyan (chef_alik_mkrtchyan) shared his tips on how to pickle lard so that it can be stored for a month on his Instagram page.

1. Cut the lard into small pieces.

2. Salt very well on all sides.

3. Put in a jar or a mold with a lid and add peppercorns, allspice, bay leaf, and 2-3 heads of garlic.

4. Pour boiling water over everything.

5. Leave at room temperature until morning and then refrigerate.

6. Wait 1-2 days. This lard can be stored for a month.

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