How not to cook charlotte: the most common mistakes to avoid

Kateryna YagovychLS Food
Mistakes that ruin charlotte . Source: Pixabay

Charlotte is a very simple and versatile cake that can be quickly prepared for tea. But even with such basic baking, problems often arise. For example, the batter does not rise or it turns out to be tough. Or the filling falls apart altogether.

The FoodOboz editorial team will tell you about the most common mistakes that spoil the taste of your charlotte. You should definitely pay attention to all these points.

Unsifted flour and unquenched baking soda

Sifted flour is the key to a tender and fluffy charlotte. If you add the product straight from the packet, the pastry will turn out lumpy and clogged. As for baking soda, you don't need to quench it if you use sour fruit varieties or cook the dish with kefir. In all other cases, it must be quenched with vinegar.

Ingredients at the wrong temperature

To ensure that all the ingredients are well whipped and the mass is fluffy, the products must be at room temperature. To do this, take them out of the refrigerator in advance. Only ingredients at the right temperature will make a homogeneous and moderately thick batter.

Very soft apples

If you have apples that are not of the first freshness and decide to use them for charlotte, this is a wrong decision. For this dessert, you need to use fresh and crispy fruits. And preferably green ones. Only they will keep their shape during baking and remain intact. Otherwise, the fruit will break apart and turn into mush.

Peeling the apples

You don't need to peel apples for charlotte as it makes your pastry very flavorful. It also retains all the juices of the fruit.

Pouring the batter over the fruit

If you pour the batter on top, the mass will be unevenly distributed over the surface. Therefore, it is best to simply mix the pieces with the batter.

Incorrect temperature

You can't put charlotte in a cold or very hot one oven. Therefore, first set the temperature to 140 degrees, and then raise it. Readiness should be checked with a toothpick.

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