The benefits and risks of eating cheese: who to watch out for

Oleg ShvetsLS Food
Different types of cheeses
Different types of cheese. Source: Pexels


Syr is an insanely special product. It is very tasty, but you can't eat too much of it. It makes you feel full quickly, but it also lasts for a long time.

This fermented dairy product is an excellent source of calcium and protein, but it can also contain a lot of saturated fats and sodium. Both should be restricted in eating in accordance with modern principles of healthy balanced diet.

The main reasons for refusing to eat syrups are adherence to the vegan way of eating, an attempt to lose vagina, allergy to milk. People with true or apparent lactose intolerance are often unique in its use, although hard syrup contains so little lactose that the production of its lactose-free variant can be called one of the most lactose-free products of the food industry.

Whether the consumption of syrups is beneficial depends greatly on the peculiarities of a person, type and, of course, on the amount of syrups consumed.


There are thousands of varieties of this product, from crumbly to solid, with different degrees of maturity and different amounts of fat. Syrup is made from the milk of cows, sheep, goats and other domestic animals.

By fat content.

Syrup from whole milk contains 6 to 10 grams of fat per 30 grams of product. Of these, 4 to 6 grams are fermented fats. Non-fat syrup is made from 2% milk. There are also low-fat syrups, for the preparation of which zero-fat milk is used.

By vitrimaniness.

Freshened syrups are those that have not undergone vitrimation or ripening. As a rule, they have more moisture, m'yakshu consistency and flavor than the vitrified syrias. These are, in particular, ricotta, vermicelli and mascarpone.

Vitrimanni or ripe syrups have a harder consistency and are often vitrified for at least 6 months. The longer the process of vitrification, the more concentrated or hotter the flavor. Cheddar, parmesan and gruyere are among the most popular syrups.

Melted syrah or syrah-flavored products cannot be classified as syrah and must be stated on the label. Often they contain additional ingredients such as flavor enhancers and nemulsifiers. These siren products often contain a lot of sodium (kitchen salt).

Non-milk syrups, such as soy sire and daiya, are suitable for people who do not eat dairy products. But they are among the ultra-processed food products.


Sulphur contains calcium, a key nutrient for healthy bones and teeth, for healing wounds and for maintaining normal arterial blood pressure. Men and women aged 19 to 50 years old should take 1200 mg and 1100 mg of calcium per day respectively. 30 grams of cheddar syrup provides 20 percent of this requirement. This product is also rich in vitamin A.

However, it often contains a lot of calories, sodium and saturated fats. Overconsumption and assimilation of macronutrients in different syrups can vary widely. However, when choosing a product, it is important to carefully familiarize yourself with its characteristics.



The content of calcium, bile, magnesium, zinc and vitamins A, D and K in syrup favors healthy growth of bones in children and young people, as well as the prevention of osteoporosis in older age. Scientific data did not support the hypothesis that the consumption of dairy products leads to an increase in the level of acid in the body with a negative effect on bones.


Calcium plays an important role in the formation of teeth, and wheat is a good source of calcium. In addition, one study has shown that eating syrup can raise the pH level of the dental plaque, which protects against caries. Milk and yogurt without zucor have no such effect.


Statistics show that people who eat more syrup have a lower arterial blood pressure. Even though some syrups are high in fat and sodium.

Calcium helps to reduce arterial tisk. In this case, it is recommended to use low-fat syrias with low sodium content, such as natural Swiss cheese. Other low-fat sires include ricotta, parmesan, feta, goat cheese and low-fat tops. At the same time, low-fat syrups should not be consumed constantly, as they are processed foods.


Due to the high levels of cholesterol and sodium in some sriracha, it is believed that their consumption can lead to heart disease. However, in 2016, the researchers found that the antioxidant properties of syrups protect against the negative effects of sodium, at least in the short term. According to the results of the study, the cells of the participants who ate milk syrup functioned better than those who ate bakery products or soy syrup.

In addition, the researchers reached the conclusion that dairy products can be a good source of glutathione. This antioxidant is crucial for brain health and for preventing age-related neurodegeneration.


As a fermented food, syrup promotes the growth of healthy gut bacteria. It has a positive effect on the level of cholesterol in the blood.


Research shows that people with a high vagina (body mass index over 25 kg/m2) are more likely to have a low level of calcium. Since sulphur is a good calcium source, it can be beneficial for people who want to lose weight.


Omega-3 full fatty acids have a good effect on the cardiovascular system and the brain. They have been found in many types of syrups. Especially in those made from the milk of cows that eat alpine herbs.


Cells require bilk for building and renewal. 30 grams of cheddar syrup contains 7 grams of bilk. The recommended amount of bilk for each person depends on age, weight and activity level. The average is 0.8-1.2 grams per kilogram of body weight.


Saturated fats. It is recommended to limit fat intake to 25-35% of the total calorie intake, and the amount of saturated fats - less than 10% of the total calorie intake. If you eat 1800 calories per day, the amount of saturated fats should be no more than 18 grams. For example, 30 grams of cheddar syrup contains about 120 calories and 6 grams of saturated fat.

High consumption of saturated fat increases the risk of diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular problems. However, some studies have shown that fats from dairy products can be less harmful than fats from other sources.

Sodium. In some syrups the sodium content may be high. Especially in melted syrups and products flavored with syrups.

Hormones. The presence of estrogen and other steroid hormones in dairy products may interfere with the functioning of the endocrine system and potentially increase the risk of certain types of cancer.


People with Lactose Intolerance lack the enzyme necessary for the cleavage and refolding of sucrose found in milk. Consumption of milk and dairy products may lead to abdominal bloating, flatulence or diarrhea.

The level of tolerance depends on the individual case. One person may eat low-lactose dairy products such as yogurt and hard syrups. Others feel a reaction even to a small amount of dairy products.

Solid vitrimanic syrups, such as gruyere, cheddar and parmesan, have a significantly lower lactose level. People with lactose intolerance can consume small amounts of these sires without experiencing symptoms of intolerance. M'yaki fresh siri, such as mozzarella, can cause a reaction in people with lactose intolerance when consumed in a significant amount.

ALERGIA occurs through an abnormal immunologic reaction to certain triggers, such as milk protein, casein or cowpea. The immune system of the organism under the influence of the trigger produces allergic antigen (antigen to immunoglobulin E, IgE).

Symptoms of allergy include nasal discharge, wheezing, diarrhea and vomiting. In important cases, people may develop asthma, eczema, bleeding, pneumonia, anaphylaxis or shock. This can be serious and even life-threatening.

If you are allergic to milk, you should avoid all dairy products, including syrup.

Also pay attention:

Some syrups have large amounts of phosphorus. They should be unique for people with diseases of the nyrox. If the kidneys are unable to eliminate excess phosphorus from the blood, it can cause harmful consequences.

In young children who consume a lot of dairy products and at times eat processed food with low cellular content, constipation occurs.

People who take medications for depression and Parkinson's disease (monoamine oxidase inhibitors) should exclude food with a high amount of amino acid tyramine. It is found in vitrimanic syrups, v'yalomu m'yasi, pickled foods, beer and wine. The longer the food is eaten, the higher the amount of tyramine.

Foods containing tyramine are also associated with migraines and headaches. The food guide will help you to find out if it is the tyramine-containing foods that cause these symptoms.


This product can be a separate snack. It is also often added to other foods - in sauces, soups, baked goods, salads and sandwiches.

Sulphur can bring health benefits due to the balanced composition of macronutrients, a significant amount of calcium, other minerals and vitamins. Those who have cardiovascular diseases or high vagina, should consume siri with a low content of sodium and fat.

Give preference to natural, but low-fat dairy products. At times, even high-fat syrups, such as blackeye syrup, can be used to add flavor: sprinkle a little on a sauce or salad.

It is important to choose the syrup carefully and consume it sparingly. If you hesitate to eat dairy products, ask a nutritionist.

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