How not to store wine in any case: you will simply spoil the drink

Kateryna YagovychLS Food
How not to store wine. Source: pexels

Despite the fact that wine is an alcoholic beverage, it requires special storage conditions. If you do not follow the mandatory rules, the product will lose its pleasant taste and simply spoil.

That's why FoodOboz editorial team will tell you how not to store wine. There are a few nuances to consider.

Limit the air intake

The first thing that harms wine is air. To prevent the product from spoiling, minimize the exposure of the drink to oxygen.

Heat is the enemy of wine

In no case should you store wine where it is hot. It's not for nothing that many establishments have special cellars for storing wine - it's always cold there. Immediately before serving, wine should also be chilled.

Light has a bad effect on wine

It's no accident that wine is always bottled in dark green bottles - it's to protect it from light. It is not allowed to be stored in direct sunlight, because it will start to deteriorate very quickly.

Vibrations harm wine

Wine is literally stressed during transportation because it loves peace, and during transportation, the liquid overflows and mixes. Therefore, after transportation, make sure that the drink lies in silence for a while, and only then open it.

Wine is harmed by moisture

Wine is quite sensitive to temperature and humidity changes. Therefore, make sure that the drink is kept in a cool and completely dry place. Also, do not put wine next to foods that have a pungent aroma.

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