Scientists tell how you can lose weight without giving up food

Masha SerdyukLS Food
You don't have to deny yourself your favorite food. Source:

In order to lose a few extra pounds, you don't have to go on a strict diet, restricting yourself from eating. Instead of giving up your favorite foods, you need to add a few rules to your life that will not only become good habits but also help you lose weight faster.

This is the opinion of experts from the National Health Service in the UK, according to The Sun.

Here are the habits they suggest adding to your daily routine:

  • Start every morning with a ten-minute walk and exercise throughout the day. Try squatting while you brush your teeth, doing push-ups during a commercial break on YouTube, or running in place while you make tea.
  • Limit your alcohol intake, don't drink coffee in the afternoon to sleep better at night. And replace packaged fruit juices and sugary sodas with mineral water, tea, coffee, and milk.
  • Eat more during the main meal so that you don't sin with unhealthy snacks later.
  • Do not label food as good/bad. All food is energy, but some foods are more nutritious than others.
  • If you have a sweet tooth, replace white and milk chocolate with dark chocolate with 70% cocoa.
  • Try a new vegetable every week. Try to choose something you've never eaten before.
  • Always make a grocery list before going to the supermarket. This will help you avoid spontaneous purchases like chips, ice cream, and other junk food.
  • Find alternative ways to get positive emotions besides food, and focus on intellectual satisfaction. Make your brain work: do crossword puzzles, solve puzzles, listen to podcasts, and talk to a friend, in the end.
  • Do not forbid yourself anything from food. If you really want something, don't deny yourself the pleasure of eating it. However, eat in a reasonable amount and without haste.

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