Olha Freimut named a drink that a real lady should not drink

Iryna MelnichenkoLS Food
Olha Freimut told what drinks real ladies do not drink
Olha Freimut told what drinks real ladies do not drink

Whether to drink alcohol or not is a personal choice, but you should always remember that alcohol is very harmful and even dangerous to health. Experts recommend not abusing alcohol, but limiting yourself to a glass of good dry, natural wine, but again, within the normal limits.

TV presenter and etiquette teacher Olha Freimut shared on Instagram what kind of alcoholic beverage is better for real ladies not to drink and explained why. She also told us how to drink this drink correctly.

Easy cocktails for women

Freimut called vodka the first and only alcoholic beverage among others that real ladies should not drink.

The TV presenter noted that "there is nothing worse than a drunk woman whose diction is impaired by this drink, whose legs are dragging, and who cannot control her conversations."

Strong drinks are better for women not to drink

Freimut also told us how to drink this drink properly if you do decide to:

  • "Drink vodka chilled from a glass. Down to the bottom. Do not smell bread or other food or objects.
  • We do not pause between the first and second drinks. We drink one glass after another.
  • Vodka is drunk in sad circumstances. For celebrations, it is better to choose champagne.
How to drink vodka correctly

The TV presenter herself noted that she also drinks vodka, but only in cocktails, adding that her favorite is "Cosmopolitan."

Cosmopolitan cocktail

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