Never add these ingredients to a charlotte: you'll just ruin the baked goods

Kateryna YagovychLS Food
Charlotte cooking mistakes. Source:

Charlotka is a lush sweet pie, which is most often prepared with apples. Other fruits are also used for the dessert. There are many recipes, but here it is important not to overdo it and not to add unnecessary components that will only spoil the pastry.

FoodOboz editors will tell you what ingredients should not be added to the charlotte. This applies to the dough. and insides.

Do not add gluten-free flour

Never add these ingredients to a charlotte: you'll just ruin the baked goods

It is the gluten in the flour that contributes to making the dough sticky and thick. Therefore, it is a must-have ingredient for a charlotte. A variety of gluten-free options such as buckwheat, oat or corn flour will be inappropriate in this case. The baked goods will turn out very clogged and flavorless.

Do not add baking soda to the charlotte

Never add these ingredients to a charlotte: you'll just ruin the baked goods

If there is no leavening agent in the kitchen - housewives often replace it with baking soda. But such an ingredient in its pure form can not be used, because baked goods will have an unpleasant taste. Therefore, soda, before adding, it is absolutely necessary to stew with vinegar.

But if you prepare charlotte on kefir or sour cream - lactic acid will extinguish the soda, so you will not have to add vinegar.

Never add these ingredients to a charlotte: you'll just ruin the baked goods

Do not make charlotte with frozen berries

For the filling in the charlotte, berries are often added. But if they are frozen - such an ingredient is not suitable. Frozen berries will give a lot of moisture to baked goods, and the dough will simply not bake through.

Do not add fruit that is too moist

Never add these ingredients to a charlotte: you'll just ruin the baked goods

A variety of juicy fruits, such as apricots or peaches, are not suitable for charlotte. Such fruits, as well as frozen berries, will empty a lot of eyes and only spoil the dough.

Do not add components that have a specific flavor

Never add these ingredients to a charlotte: you'll just ruin the baked goods

Charlotka is not the kind of pastry that you should experiment with. If you decide to make a dessert with pumpkin or rhubarb be prepared that not everyone may like baked goods. Plus, these ingredients can also add excess moisture.

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