History of hot dogs and the best topping options

Iryna MelnichenkoLS Food
Hot dog with sausage and mustard and ketchup sauce. Source: Pixabay

The hot dog is the most popular symbol and trademark of American culture. The recipe of the dish quickly spread around the world and is one of the favorite snacks.

FoodOboz editorial staff will tell you where the legendary hot dog originated from and share options for its topping, which can be easily prepared at home.


The cultural archetype is said to have originated back in the 1860s on the shores of New York Island. One day, a German immigrant named Charles Feltman moved to the United States and brought with him the passion for sausage that is so common to his countrymen. He himself was a baker by training. Therefore, after arriving in the states, he immediately opened a bakery in Brooklyn near the amusement park, silling pies and clams in a tent on the beach. Over time, the number of vacationers increased and many of them asked if Feltman sold any other hot food besides clams. Thus, the baker realized that he needed to expand his menu. To do this, he called a craftsman who added a roaster and a metal box to heat the buns.

That same summer, on the sandy paths of the beach, Feltman, pushing a homemade cart, sold almost 4,000 hot dogs, which he put in long buns.

The hot dog most likely got its name from the name of Frankfurt sausages, which were called "dachshunds".

Fried sausages.

Options for hot dog topping

Chicago Hot Dog

You will need:

  • pickled vegetables - cucumbers, tomatoes, hot peppers
  • chopped onions with dill

Method of preparation: lay out the sausages in buns and then wrap them in foil and heat. Dip sausages in mustard, sprinkle with salt and add the topping.

With Caramelized Onions

You will need:

  • caramelized onions
  • ketchup
  • cayenne pepper
  • paprika

How to prepare: put the sausages in buns and add the topping.

Topping options for hot dogs.

Chimichanga Dog

You will need:

  • fresh salsa
  • sour cream
  • jalapeño pepper

Preparation: wrap a sausage in a fried tortilla. Dip in egg and then in flour and deep fry until golden color. Add the topping and sprinkle with cheese.

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