Food poisoning: a nutritionist tells us what foods can worsen the situation

Elena KovalenkoLS Food
Food poisoning: a nutritionist tells us what foods can worsen the situation

In case of food poisoning, it is necessary to strictly monitor the diet, as there are a number of foods that can aggravate the situation.

Nutritionist Vira Palamar wrote about this on Facebook.

Food poisoning: a nutritionist tells us what foods can worsen the situation

According to a nutritionist, on the first day of poisoning, you need to drink plenty of still water to flush out toxins. You can also drink unsweetened tea. The liquid should be warm, and you should drink in small portions so as not to provoke vomiting. You need to drink about 2 liters per day.

According to the nutritionist, on the second day, if the body does not need it, you should not force yourself to eat anything. It is better to drink something nutritious in liquid form: jelly, broth, yogurt. You can add a piece of cracker or yesterday's bread.

"Do not forget to monitor your general condition. You need to return to a normal diet gradually. Poisoning is a severe blow to the liver. Therefore, avoid fried foods and alcohol even a week after the poisoning. In the first days after poisoning, the body is weakened. Therefore, you should not overload it with fats and carbohydrates, as their assimilation requires high energy expenditure. The best option is to add a drop of oil to the finished dish. It is better to boil vegetables. Do not abuse fruits. Fruits can cause fermentation in the intestines," the nutritionist said.

Food poisoning: a nutritionist tells us what foods can worsen the situation

Palamar also reminded us not to reduce the amount of protein. "During poisoning, the body loses large amounts of protein. Therefore, the basis of a diet for food poisoning in adults is protein dishes," the doctor emphasized.

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