Delicious tartlets with crab sticks: the easiest recipe for a delicious appetizer

Iryna MelnichenkoLS Food
Recipe for tartlets
Recipe for tartlets. Source:

One of the simplest appetizers is tartlets. They can be prepared with various fillings, such as crab sticks, cheese, mushrooms, vegetables, legumes, and tuna.

Delicious appetizer

The cook shared a recipe for delicious tartlets with crab sticks, cheese, and eggs on Instagram.

Appetizer recipe


  • 100 g of crab sticks
  • egg
  • 50-60 g of cheese
  • 2 tbsp of mayonnaise
  • garlic at will
  • tartlets
  • green onions

Method of preparation:

1. Cut the crab sticks, grate the cheese and egg, add mayonnaise, grated garlic, and mix.

Tartlet filling

2. Fill the tartlets with the filling and sprinkle with green onions!

Ready-made tartlets

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